
Used by
Imported schema xNL.xsd
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Specification Name: OASIS CIQ TC - extensible Name Language (xNL) 
Description: Defines the W3C schema for representing party names (Person or Organisation)
(Using XML Schema based standard code list/enumeration mechanism - OPTION 1 AND DEFAULT)
Produced by: OASIS Customer Information Quality Technical Committee
Version: 3.0  
Status: Committee Specification CS02
Copyright: 2007-09, OASIS,
Last Modified: 20 September 2008
Last Modified by: Ram Kumar, Chair, OASIS CIQ TC 
NOTE: Do not modify this schema as it will break specifications compatibility
Please note: These schemas have been modified by the STIX team to support remote validation. The only change made is to the schemaLocation attribute(s).
Element NameLine
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Define name as a free format text. Use this when the type of the entity (person or organisation) is unknown, or is not broken down into individual elements (e.g. unstructured, unparsed) or is beyond the provided types. The name represented may be formatted in the right order or may not be as it is not parsed/broken into atomic fields
Diagram CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#String xNL_xsd.tmp#NameLine_Type CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grAbbreviation CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality
Type extension of String
Type hierarchy
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
Abbreviation xs:boolean optional
If set to true then indicates that the value is an abbreviation or initial. If set to false then the value is definitely not an abbreviation. If omitted then it is not known if the value is an abbreviation or not.
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
Type NameLineTypeList optional
Type define what this free format name line could mean. For example, the Type could be "Unknown"
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="NameLine">
    <xs:documentation>Define name as a free format text. Use this when the type of the entity (person or organisation) is unknown, or is not broken down into individual elements (e.g. unstructured, unparsed) or is beyond the provided types. The name represented may be formatted in the right order or may not be as it is not parsed/broken into atomic fields</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ct:String">
        <xs:attribute name="Type" type="NameLineTypeList">
            <xs:documentation>Type define what this free format name line could mean. For example, the Type could be "Unknown"</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grDataQuality"/>
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element PartyNameType / PersonName
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Container for person name details. Same person with many types (e.g. alias, pet name, nick name)  of names can be used by this container.
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Type xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonID xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Status CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_NameElement xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType
Type extension of PersonNameType
Type hierarchy
Children NameElement
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifier
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
PersonID String optional
A unique identifier of a person
PersonIDType PersonIDTypeList optional
Type of identifier
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type PersonNameTypeList optional
Enumerated list of type of name.  example: Alias, Nick Name, former name, known as, etc
Usage PersonNameUsageList optional
Usage of a person name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="PersonName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Container for person name details. Same person with many types (e.g. alias, pet name, nick name) of names can be used by this container.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="PersonNameType"/>
Element PersonNameType / NameElement
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Name or part of a name.
Diagram CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#String xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonNameType_NameElement_ElementType CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grAbbreviation
Type extension of String
Type hierarchy
QName Type Use Annotation
Abbreviation xs:boolean optional
If set to true then indicates that the value is an abbreviation or initial. If set to false then the value is definitely not an abbreviation. If omitted then it is not known if the value is an abbreviation or not.
ElementType PersonNameElementList optional
Clarifies the meaning of the element.Could be first name, middle name, etc. that is defined in the List list. Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="NameElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Name or part of a name.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ct:String">
        <xs:attribute name="ElementType" type="PersonNameElementList">
            <xs:documentation>Clarifies the meaning of the element.Could be first name, middle name, etc. that is defined in the List list. Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element PartyNameType / OrganisationName
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
A container for organisation name details. Same organisaion with many types of names can be used by this container
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Type xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationID xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Status CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_NameElement xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_SubDivisionName xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType
Type extension of OrganisationNameType
Type hierarchy
Children NameElement, SubDivisionName
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifer
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
OrganisationID String optional
A unique identifier of an organisation
OrganisationIDType OrganisationIDTypeList optional
Type of identifier
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type OrganisationNameTypeList optional
Enumerated list of common types of aliases or name types.
Usage OrganisationNameUsageList optional
Usage of organisation name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="OrganisationName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>A container for organisation name details. Same organisaion with many types of names can be used by this container</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="OrganisationNameType"/>
Element OrganisationNameType / NameElement
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Name of the organisation. E.g. ACME Inc.
Diagram CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#String xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationNameType_NameElement_ElementType CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grAbbreviation
Type extension of String
Type hierarchy
QName Type Use Annotation
Abbreviation xs:boolean optional
If set to true then indicates that the value is an abbreviation or initial. If set to false then the value is definitely not an abbreviation. If omitted then it is not known if the value is an abbreviation or not.
ElementType OrganisationNameElementList optional
Clarifies the meaning of the element. Example: name, type . Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="NameElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Name of the organisation. E.g. ACME Inc.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ct:String">
        <xs:attribute name="ElementType" type="OrganisationNameElementList">
            <xs:documentation>Clarifies the meaning of the element. Example: name, type . Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element OrganisationNameType / SubDivisionName
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Name of a subdivision of an organisation (e.g. department)
Diagram CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#String xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationNameType_SubDivisionName_Type CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grAbbreviation
Type extension of String
Type hierarchy
QName Type Use Annotation
Abbreviation xs:boolean optional
If set to true then indicates that the value is an abbreviation or initial. If set to false then the value is definitely not an abbreviation. If omitted then it is not known if the value is an abbreviation or not.
Type SubDivisionTypeList optional
Type of sub division. e.g. department, warehouse, branch
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="SubDivisionName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Name of a subdivision of an organisation (e.g. department)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ct:String">
        <xs:attribute name="Type" type="SubDivisionTypeList">
            <xs:documentation>Type of sub division. e.g. department, warehouse, branch</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element PersonName
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Person Name
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Type xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonID xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Status CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_NameElement xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType
Type PersonNameType
Used by
Children NameElement
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifier
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
PersonID String optional
A unique identifier of a person
PersonIDType PersonIDTypeList optional
Type of identifier
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type PersonNameTypeList optional
Enumerated list of type of name.  example: Alias, Nick Name, former name, known as, etc
Usage PersonNameUsageList optional
Usage of a person name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="PersonName" type="PersonNameType">
    <xs:documentation>Person Name</xs:documentation>
Element OrganisationName
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Organisation Name
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Type xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationID xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Status CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_NameElement xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_SubDivisionName xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType
Type OrganisationNameType
Used by
Children NameElement, SubDivisionName
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifer
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
OrganisationID String optional
A unique identifier of an organisation
OrganisationIDType OrganisationIDTypeList optional
Type of identifier
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type OrganisationNameTypeList optional
Enumerated list of common types of aliases or name types.
Usage OrganisationNameUsageList optional
Usage of organisation name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="OrganisationName" type="OrganisationNameType">
    <xs:documentation>Organisation Name</xs:documentation>
Element PartyName
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Container for defining a name of a Person, an Organisation or combination of the above as a joint name.
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_PartyNameID xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_PartyNameIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_Status xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_JointNameConnector CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#NameLine xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_PersonName xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_OrganisationName xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType
Type PartyNameType
Children NameLine, OrganisationName, PersonName
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifier
JointNameConnector JointNameConnectorList optional
The connector used to join more than one person name. Example: Mr Hunt AND Mrs Clark, where AND is the JointNameConnector. The flow is from the preceding to the following. If there is more than 2 names then all names are connected using this connector in the natural order.
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
PartyNameID String optional
A unique identifier of a party
PartyNameIDType PartyNameIDTypeList optional
Type of Party Name ID
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Usage PartyNameUsageList optional
Tye of use of this data. e.g. data exchange, contact, update, create
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:element name="PartyName" type="PartyNameType">
    <xs:documentation>Container for defining a name of a Person, an Organisation or combination of the above as a joint name.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type PartyNameType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Reusable complex type for a party. A party is a person or an organisation
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_PartyNameID xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_PartyNameIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_Status xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_JointNameConnector CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#NameLine xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_PersonName xNL_xsd.tmp#PartyNameType_OrganisationName
Used by
Children NameLine, OrganisationName, PersonName
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifier
JointNameConnector JointNameConnectorList optional
The connector used to join more than one person name. Example: Mr Hunt AND Mrs Clark, where AND is the JointNameConnector. The flow is from the preceding to the following. If there is more than 2 names then all names are connected using this connector in the natural order.
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
PartyNameID String optional
A unique identifier of a party
PartyNameIDType PartyNameIDTypeList optional
Type of Party Name ID
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Usage PartyNameUsageList optional
Tye of use of this data. e.g. data exchange, contact, update, create
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:complexType name="PartyNameType">
    <xs:documentation>Reusable complex type for a party. A party is a person or an organisation</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element ref="NameLine" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="PersonName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Container for person name details. Same person with many types (e.g. alias, pet name, nick name) of names can be used by this container.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="PersonNameType"/>
    <xs:element name="OrganisationName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>A container for organisation name details. Same organisaion with many types of names can be used by this container</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="OrganisationNameType"/>
  <xs:attribute name="PartyNameID" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>A unique identifier of a party</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="PartyNameIDType" type="PartyNameIDTypeList">
      <xs:documentation>Type of Party Name ID</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="ID" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifier</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Usage" type="PartyNameUsageList">
      <xs:documentation>Tye of use of this data. e.g. data exchange, contact, update, create</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Status" type="ct:StatusList">
      <xs:documentation>Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="JointNameConnector" type="JointNameConnectorList">
      <xs:documentation>The connector used to join more than one person name. Example: Mr Hunt AND Mrs Clark, where AND is the JointNameConnector. The flow is from the preceding to the following. If there is more than 2 names then all names are connected using this connector in the natural order.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grValidityDate"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="grNameKey"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:type"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:label"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:href"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grDataQuality"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grLanguageCode"/>
  <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type PersonNameType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Reusable complex type
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Type xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonID xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_PersonIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_Status CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#PersonNameType_NameElement
Used by
Children NameElement
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifier
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
PersonID String optional
A unique identifier of a person
PersonIDType PersonIDTypeList optional
Type of identifier
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type PersonNameTypeList optional
Enumerated list of type of name.  example: Alias, Nick Name, former name, known as, etc
Usage PersonNameUsageList optional
Usage of a person name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:complexType name="PersonNameType">
    <xs:documentation>Reusable complex type</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="NameElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Name or part of a name.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="ct:String">
            <xs:attribute name="ElementType" type="PersonNameElementList">
                <xs:documentation>Clarifies the meaning of the element.Could be first name, middle name, etc. that is defined in the List list. Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
            <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
  <xs:attribute name="Type" type="PersonNameTypeList">
      <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of type of name. example: Alias, Nick Name, former name, known as, etc</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="PersonID" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>A unique identifier of a person</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="PersonIDType" type="PersonIDTypeList">
      <xs:documentation>Type of identifier</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="ID" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifier</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Usage" type="PersonNameUsageList">
      <xs:documentation>Usage of a person name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose. e.g. used for legal purposes</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Status" type="ct:StatusList">
      <xs:documentation>Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grValidityDate"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="grNameKey"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:type"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:label"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:href"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grDataQuality"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grLanguageCode"/>
  <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Reusable complex type
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Type xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationID xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_OrganisationIDType xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_ID xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Usage xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_Status CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grValidityDate xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#type xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#label xlink-2003-12-31_xsd.tmp#href CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grDataQuality CommonTypes_xsd.tmp#grLanguageCode xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_NameElement xNL_xsd.tmp#OrganisationNameType_SubDivisionName
Used by
Children NameElement, SubDivisionName
QName Type Use Annotation
DataQualityType DataQualityTypeList optional
This attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"
DateValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Could be start date, issue date, validity start date, etc
DateValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Could be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etc
ID String optional
Globally unique identifer
LanguageCode xs:language optional
Human Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etc
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
OrganisationID String optional
A unique identifier of an organisation
OrganisationIDType OrganisationIDTypeList optional
Type of identifier
Status StatusList optional
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type OrganisationNameTypeList optional
Enumerated list of common types of aliases or name types.
Usage OrganisationNameUsageList optional
Usage of organisation name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
ValidFrom xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid from
ValidTo xs:dateTime optional
Date the data quality is valid to
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:label NCName optional
xlink:type restriction of string optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3'
<xs:complexType name="OrganisationNameType">
    <xs:documentation>Reusable complex type</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="NameElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Name of the organisation. E.g. ACME Inc.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="ct:String">
            <xs:attribute name="ElementType" type="OrganisationNameElementList">
                <xs:documentation>Clarifies the meaning of the element. Example: name, type . Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
            <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xs:element name="SubDivisionName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Name of a subdivision of an organisation (e.g. department)</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="ct:String">
            <xs:attribute name="Type" type="SubDivisionTypeList">
                <xs:documentation>Type of sub division. e.g. department, warehouse, branch</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grAbbreviation"/>
            <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
  <xs:attribute name="Type" type="OrganisationNameTypeList">
      <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of common types of aliases or name types.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="OrganisationID" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>A unique identifier of an organisation</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="OrganisationIDType" type="OrganisationIDTypeList">
      <xs:documentation>Type of identifier</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="ID" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifer</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Usage" type="OrganisationNameUsageList">
      <xs:documentation>Usage of organisation name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose. e.g. used for legal purposes</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Status" type="ct:StatusList">
      <xs:documentation>Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grValidityDate"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="grNameKey"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:type"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:label"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="xlink:href"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grDataQuality"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="ct:grLanguageCode"/>
  <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Attribute NameLine / @Type
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Type define what this free format name line could mean. For example, the Type could be "Unknown"
Type NameLineTypeList
Used by
Element NameLine
<xs:attribute name="Type" type="NameLineTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Type define what this free format name line could mean. For example, the Type could be "Unknown"</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / NameElement / @ElementType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Clarifies the meaning of the element.Could be first name, middle name, etc. that is defined in the List list. Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.
Type PersonNameElementList
enumeration PrecedingTitle
His Excellency, Honorable, etc.
enumeration Title
A title signifies some sort of status, such as Mr, Miss, Ms (marriage status), or education such as Professor, PhD, Dr, etc.
enumeration FirstName
The most important name element by which this particular individual is identified in the group. E.g. John, Sam, Brian for Anglo-Saxon cultures.
enumeration MiddleName
Name elements related to additional identification of the individual, such as names are parents or places.
enumeration LastName
Name element that identifies the group the individual belongs to and is identified by, such as Last Name, Surname, Family Name, etc.
enumeration OtherName
Any other additional names that are not directly used to identify or call the individual, such as names of ancestors, saints, etc.
enumeration Alias
A simple nick name that is commonly used as part of the name. E.g. a fancy kick-boxer can be commonly known as Bill "Storm" Bababoons, where "Storm" is obviously an alias.
enumeration GenerationIdentifier
Junior, Senior, The Second, IV,  etc.
enumeration Degree
Used by
<xs:attribute name="ElementType" type="PersonNameElementList">
    <xs:documentation>Clarifies the meaning of the element.Could be first name, middle name, etc. that is defined in the List list. Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / @Type
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Enumerated list of type of name.  example: Alias, Nick Name, former name, known as, etc
Type PersonNameTypeList
enumeration Alias
enumeration LegalName
enumeration KnownAs
enumeration MaidenName
Name of an individual before marriage.
enumeration FormerName
Former name of the person
enumeration CommonUse
Name that is commonly used by others, e.g. a simplified form of the official name.
enumeration NameAtBirth
A name given to an individual at birth, but later changed (common in some cultures)
enumeration PreferredName
Indicates that the party prefers to be called by this name
enumeration OfficialName
An official name of the person, e.g. as in the passport. incorporation certificate, etc.
enumeration UnofficialName
enumeration NickName
enumeration PetName
Used by
Complex Type PersonNameType
<xs:attribute name="Type" type="PersonNameTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of type of name. example: Alias, Nick Name, former name, known as, etc</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / @PersonID
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
A unique identifier of a person
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Complex Type PersonNameType
<xs:attribute name="PersonID" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>A unique identifier of a person</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / @PersonIDType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Type of identifier
Type PersonIDTypeList
Used by
Complex Type PersonNameType
<xs:attribute name="PersonIDType" type="PersonIDTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Type of identifier</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / @ID
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Globally unique identifier
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Complex Type PersonNameType
<xs:attribute name="ID" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifier</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / @Usage
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Usage of a person name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
Type PersonNameUsageList
Used by
Complex Type PersonNameType
<xs:attribute name="Usage" type="PersonNameUsageList">
    <xs:documentation>Usage of a person name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose. e.g. used for legal purposes</xs:documentation>
Attribute PersonNameType / @Status
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type StatusList
Used by
Complex Type PersonNameType
<xs:attribute name="Status" type="ct:StatusList">
    <xs:documentation>Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc</xs:documentation>
Attribute grNameKey / @NameKey
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
A primary key to reference Party Name.
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Attribute Group grNameKey
<xs:attribute name="NameKey" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>A primary key to reference Party Name.</xs:documentation>
Attribute grNameKey / @NameKeyRef
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Attribute Group grNameKey
<xs:attribute name="NameKeyRef" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / NameElement / @ElementType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Clarifies the meaning of the element. Example: name, type . Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.
Type OrganisationNameElementList
enumeration NameOnly
"Sakthisoft" in "Sakthisoft Pty. Ltd". "Pty.Ltd" is the legal entity for the organisation name "Sakthisoft"
enumeration TypeOnly
"Pty. Ltd" in Sakthisoft Pty.Ltd, where "Sakthisoft" is the name of the organisation.

""Inc" in ABC Inc, where "ABC" is organisation name
enumeration FullName
Full Name of the organisation. e.g. Sakthisoft Pty. Ltd
Used by
<xs:attribute name="ElementType" type="OrganisationNameElementList">
    <xs:documentation>Clarifies the meaning of the element. Example: name, type . Omit this attribute if the type of the name element is not known.</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / SubDivisionName / @Type
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Type of sub division. e.g. department, warehouse, branch
Type SubDivisionTypeList
enumeration Department
enumeration Division
enumeration Branch
enumeration BusinessUnit
enumeration School
enumeration Section
Used by
<xs:attribute name="Type" type="SubDivisionTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Type of sub division. e.g. department, warehouse, branch</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / @Type
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Enumerated list of common types of aliases or name types.
Type OrganisationNameTypeList
enumeration LegalName
enumeration FormerName
Former name of the organisation
enumeration CommonUse
enumeration PublishingName
enumeration OfficialName
enumeration UnofficialName
enumeration Undefined
Used by
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
<xs:attribute name="Type" type="OrganisationNameTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Enumerated list of common types of aliases or name types.</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / @OrganisationID
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
A unique identifier of an organisation
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
<xs:attribute name="OrganisationID" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>A unique identifier of an organisation</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / @OrganisationIDType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Type of identifier
Type OrganisationIDTypeList
Used by
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
<xs:attribute name="OrganisationIDType" type="OrganisationIDTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Type of identifier</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / @ID
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Globally unique identifer
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
<xs:attribute name="ID" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifer</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / @Usage
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Usage of organisation name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose.
e.g. used for legal purposes
Type OrganisationNameUsageList
Used by
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
<xs:attribute name="Usage" type="OrganisationNameUsageList">
    <xs:documentation>Usage of organisation name. How is it used and for what purpose. Allows user which name in a set of names to select for a given purpose. e.g. used for legal purposes</xs:documentation>
Attribute OrganisationNameType / @Status
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type StatusList
Used by
Complex Type OrganisationNameType
<xs:attribute name="Status" type="ct:StatusList">
    <xs:documentation>Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc</xs:documentation>
Attribute PartyNameType / @PartyNameID
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
A unique identifier of a party
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Complex Type PartyNameType
<xs:attribute name="PartyNameID" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>A unique identifier of a party</xs:documentation>
Attribute PartyNameType / @PartyNameIDType
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Type of Party Name ID
Type PartyNameIDTypeList
Used by
Complex Type PartyNameType
<xs:attribute name="PartyNameIDType" type="PartyNameIDTypeList">
    <xs:documentation>Type of Party Name ID</xs:documentation>
Attribute PartyNameType / @ID
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Globally unique identifier
Type String
whiteSpace collapse
Used by
Complex Type PartyNameType
<xs:attribute name="ID" type="ct:String">
    <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifier</xs:documentation>
Attribute PartyNameType / @Usage
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Tye of use of this data. e.g. data exchange, contact, update, create
Type PartyNameUsageList
Used by
Complex Type PartyNameType
<xs:attribute name="Usage" type="PartyNameUsageList">
    <xs:documentation>Tye of use of this data. e.g. data exchange, contact, update, create</xs:documentation>
Attribute PartyNameType / @Status
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
Type StatusList
Used by
Complex Type PartyNameType
<xs:attribute name="Status" type="ct:StatusList">
    <xs:documentation>Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc</xs:documentation>
Attribute PartyNameType / @JointNameConnector
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
The connector used to join more than one person name. Example: Mr Hunt AND Mrs Clark, where AND is the JointNameConnector. The flow is from the preceding to the following. If there is more than 2 names then all names are connected using this connector in the natural order.
Type JointNameConnectorList
Used by
Complex Type PartyNameType
<xs:attribute name="JointNameConnector" type="JointNameConnectorList">
    <xs:documentation>The connector used to join more than one person name. Example: Mr Hunt AND Mrs Clark, where AND is the JointNameConnector. The flow is from the preceding to the following. If there is more than 2 names then all names are connected using this connector in the natural order.</xs:documentation>
Attribute Group grNameKey
Namespace urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3
Reference to another Person Name or Organisation Name with primary and foreign key reinforcement.
Diagram xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey_NameKey xNL_xsd.tmp#grNameKey_NameKeyRef
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
NameKey String optional
A primary key to reference Party Name.
NameKeyRef String optional
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.
<xs:attributeGroup name="grNameKey">
    <xs:documentation>Reference to another Person Name or Organisation Name with primary and foreign key reinforcement.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="NameKey" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>A primary key to reference Party Name.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="NameKeyRef" type="ct:String">
      <xs:documentation>A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Party Name.</xs:documentation>